60 Years ago
came to an End
I visited the Auschwitz/Birkenau lager/monument/museum in year 2000.I knew since the end of World War II what had been going on in the German camps.All of us knew it. But why so many people declared that they had learnt about the atrocities committed by the nazis only on the occasion of the 60 years celebration? Are they all bloody liers?
It was impossible not to know.
The Italian "Luce" and later on, "Settimana Incom", introducing any and all movie performances in Italy, had repeatedly shown most of the documentary films shot by the Allied Troups at their arrival to Auschwitz, Buchenwald, Dachau, Mathausen, Treblinka...All the Italian, French, British (German?) tabloids had published the terrible pictures of the bodies piled up in the corners of the camps, the photos of the crematoriums, of the shower rooms, of the few survivors behind the barbed wire of the camp fence.
In the fifties, "Se questo รจ un uomo" had been already written by Primo Levi and published in Italy by Einaudi.On many occasions, the names of the German companies involved in the industrial utilization of the manpower "temporarily" made available by the different Death Factories have been published. Let's not concentrate on the BUNA plant where Primo Levi has been compelled to work when in Auschwitz. Let's speak of the suppliers (Zyklon B was manufactured by somebody isn't?) and of the companies transforming the noble and less noble materials stolen from the victims of the holocaust or even recovered from the bodies prior to being incinerated in the crematorium.The name of one company appeared more and more frequently in the press: Degussa AG.Degussa AG: the largest and most qualified German refiner of silver and gold...Degussa AG: the process for hydrocyanic acid production...The day after visiting the Auschwitz lager, I was back in my office in Krakow.In order to get some information about the aforementioned company, I clicked on my computer: filed my queries in the appropriate product inquiry case:
- First "hydrocyanic acid". The reply was that this product was not manufactured by the company. This might be true in year 2000.
- Than I asked for Zyklon B. Obviously, I got the same answer.
Before leaving the Home Page of Degussa I digited "War Criminals" in the inquiry case. In no way this item could be included in the product split of the Company!
This was what I thought!
But...but...see what happened!
The document herebelow appeared on the display!
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