why should I lie?

why should I lie?

Sunday, October 03, 2004


The Islamic energy war is achieving very rapidly all the goals that, even the most pessimistic western forecasts, would have taken into account.
Nigeria has added to the number of the countries strangling the Western World with energy shortage. For the time being, the Western Countries still rely upon the possibility of balancing the present shortage with the future supplies of gas from the fields of Kazakstan and Turkmenistan, but the implementation of the enormous works needed to bring this energy to the Mediterranean and to the Indian Ocean still requires long time. In the mean time, unless alternative solutions are found, the Western Countries economies will not survive. We should not forget that both Kazakstan and Turkmenistan are Islamic Countries too. Nobody is able to predict its future position.

What should we do?

  • Reduce sharply and suddenly the energy consumption in the western world. Suddenly is necessary in order to leave unsold huge quantities of oil. Simultaneously, introduce heavy and efficient control to avoid oil smuggling and black market. Six months are needed.
  • Introduce a revival of the nuclear energy to produce electricity. Three years are needed. Anyhow, something is already being done.
  • Start immediately the construction of natural gas pipelines from the largest fields in the world (Russia) through non-islamic territories: for instance, Siberia-Alaska, Finland-Scandinavian countries. Two to three years are needed to achieve the very first results.
  • Start the production of synthetic liquid fuels. Immediately available technologies are GTL (Gas To liquid) based on the Fisher-Tropsch process and Methanol, both from natural gas. Let’s not forget that 25 to 40 months are needed for the implementation of large size projects. Start them now, but not in the ME countries: in Russia, please!


  • Who is (a single brain, or may-be a council) the co-ordinator of the Islamic energy war?
    Can we counteract economically this action by extinguishing its financial resources?

Alternative solutions:

  • Only one: surrender to Islam and its civilization, somewhat different from the Western way of living. If you like this solution you should do nothing. If you don’t like it ... please, think of the aforementioned more technical solutions.


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